ATL Achievements 2020-21


  1. Sanchi Bansal a student of Class VII bagged IV position in International Kids Coding Competition 2020.

  1. Arjun Manocha of Class VI Cambridge has Bagged 1st runner up position along with a cash prize of 2500/- and Scholarship in Virtual Hackathon organised by Avishkaar Box  under Avishkaar League 2020 which was a world's Biggest online Robotics and Coding competition.

  1. Sanchi Bansal qualified to the National Final level of our annual youth fest, Harmony 2020 in the Magic with Colours competition.

  1. Arushi Garg, a student of class XI was selected for the Mentorship program for IBM AI project by 1b1m.

  1. Vedant Bhatia bagged II position and Swayam Arora student of class X bagged I position in ATL TinkerFest 2020 under Crossroads.

  1. Swayam Arora and Gautaum Gupta of Class X have been shortlisted for the Youth Leader  2020 – Stage 3 (Incorporate) under Harmony- Youth Leader 2020.

  1. Advit Goel of CLass VII and Aahan samnotra of class VIII bagged II position in the Ad Mad Show hosted by KHMS .

  1. Anmol Goel of Class X bagged I position in Fest-O-Skills organised by ATL-DAV Pushpanjali Enclave.

  2. Shivansh Shah Chawla secured II position under ATL Tinkerfest hosted by Bal Bharti Public School Brij Vihar.

  1. Sanchi Bansal VII Cambridge bagged first Rank in the two-day interschool competition "Gameleon...Build the Game" organized by Indirapuram Public School, Indirapuram on July 6-7, 2020. 

  1. Shivansh Shah Chawla won the first online gaming competition organized by Mission Planet Code.

  1. Swasti Sharma's project Smart Eyes was selected at Tinkerfest organised by Lovely Professional Institute.

  1. Gautam Gupta X-E bagged first runner up position in Hash Event- Road Ahead organised by DL DAV Model School, Shalimarbagh for his Project Voice Controlled Elevator.

  1. Anmol Goel of Class X-B Bagged Second Position in Essence- Model Your Innovation organised by Dav,Paschim Enclave.

  1. Shivansh Shah Chawla of Class VIII bagged First Position in The Slide Master organised by DAV, Paschim Enclave under Essence.

  1. Sipul Pandey of class 7 Cambridge bagged second position in S&T Home Contest organised by National Science centre under Junior Category.

  1. Lakshay Gupta of class 9-H Winner of Online scratch competition organised by Stemrobo.

  1. Swasti Sharma of class 6-H secured Third Position in VVDAV Darohar- Best out of E-Waste.

  1. Kavya Sharma of Class 5 winner of Astro poster Challenge

  1. Swasti Sharma of Class VI-H won the Tinker Fest and Community Day for Smart Eye.


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