ATL Online Community Day 2020

 Session 1

A webinar was organised for students  of the school as well as for the community in which various students from NGO Manthan SVK joined. The webinar was first in the row for ATL Community Day Celebration wherein we saw more than 105 students participating to learn. The focus of the webinar was to give the students a platform to start creating something of their own being it a 3D print, a scratch game,an app or talking about Python ,AI and machine learning .
The session was in association with Stemrobo . It was an amazing learning experience for all of our students and was a pleasure that the Mantan students are continuously in touch with the school ATL.

Session 2
Session on Programming Humanoid Robots by Mentor of Change Ms. Tanya Thukral
A Mentor session was organised for students  of the school as well as for the community in which various students from NGO Manthan SVK joined.
The webinar was second in the row for ATL Community Day Celebration wherein we saw more than 90 students participate to understand Virtual Robotics.
Robot Virtual Worlds is a high-end simulation environment that enables students, without robots, to learn programming. Research has shown that learning to program in the RVW is more efficient than learning to program using physical robots.

Session 3
The webinar was third in the row for ATL Community Day Celebration wherein we saw more than 50 students participating for the Kahoot  quiz.
It was a wonderful experience for students to play online quizzes on a virtual platform.


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