Post Tinker Winter Camp

 The school organized a four day “Post Tinkers Winter Robotics Camp’ from 9 March to 13 March 2020 wherein students from Ngo Manthan also participated with the school students.The activities conducted during the camp introduced students to the Problem Solving skills, soldering techniques, creating web pages and making projects using arduino. 

Mentor of Change Session: 

A session on Program Development Life Cycle was taken up by Ms. Tanya Thukral, our Mentor of Change appointed by AIM on March 9’ 2020 wherein students were introduced to all the stages of development of a program from brainstorming to thinking of prototypes and coding as well as testing through various activities.They also talked about community level problems focusing on the latest CoronaVirus.

Drone Workshop by Avishkaar:

Students were acquainted with the following concept during a workshop organised by School in association with Avishkaar Box on March 12’ 2020 with the focus on 
  • Quadcopters.
  • Aeromodelling and types of movement of plane
  • Introduction to design and development of Multi Rotor Vehicles
  • Understanding the Electronics circuitry involved in Quadrotor
  • Learning about the working of accelerometer sensors, gyroscopes and controllers.

Resource Person Mr. Raghav Kapoor


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